Privacy Policy

Updated: October 12, 2021

The purposes of data processing

The information you provide to the Greater London Authority and LSBU will be shared with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and used to evaluate this project and to report to the Greater London Authority and European Social Fund for monitoring purposes, in line with European Commission regulatory requirements.

Your information will also be shared with research organisations working on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions who may contact you to discuss your involvement in the project for research purposes. Participation in research is voluntary and you will be asked to consent before taking part in any research activity you may be contacted about.

The DWP may also link your personal details to official administrative records in order to monitor your employment status before your ESF support began and 6 to 12 months after you left. This information may also be shared with research organisations working on behalf of the DWP however individuals will not be identifiable and you will not be contacted about this research.

Data will not be used or shared for any commercial or marketing purposes.

At all times your information will be kept securely, and nobody will have access to it that shouldn’t.

General Data Protection Regulation and the lawful basis for processing

For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the DWP is the data controller in respect to information processed which relates to all participation in the European Social Fund. As they are ESF grant beneficiary organisations, the Greater London Authority and LSBU are data processors in respect to information processed which relates to Participants in the operation and projects funded by the European Social Fund.

DWP is not the controller for any other/ additional data collected by the Greater London Authority or LSBU that is not essential for delivering the ESF programme, or for any personal data that would normally be collected anyway by the Greater London Authority or LSBU.

The ESF Programme Action Note 018/18 ( sets out the lawful basis for processing personal data under ESF.

Retention periods for personal data

All personal data held by DWP or research  contractors for the purposes of  evaluation will be permanently deleted no more than six months after the  research has been completed (i.e. when the final report is published on GOV.UK).  

Personal data held by DWP for all other ESF purposes  as required by European Commission regulations will be retained in line with  the current guidance on GOV.UK at:

The rights available to individuals in  respect of the processing

If you do not wish your personal data to be used for  ESF evaluation purposes, please contact ESF.EVALUATIONS@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK and we will delete your data  held for these purposes and you won’t be contacted about participating in  research.

More information about how and why DWP uses your  personal information, including how to ask for a copy of the personal  information DWP holds about you can be found in DWP’s Personal Information Charter at:

Information about how to ask for a copy of the  information DWP holds about you (known as a ‘Right of Access Request’) can be  found at:

Information that the GLA will report upon

Information collected on this enrolment form and  regarding your activities on this project will be collected and provided to  the Greater London Authority as evidence of your participation.

The GLA will provide statistical information to a  number of organisations as specified below, and may report on the programme  as a whole, or on cross sections of the programme such as the numbers of participants  for individual boroughs.  The  information will not include your personal contact details and will not  mention you by name, or any other identifiable information. We will not  provide information on individuals other than in an anonymised format, except  for evaluation purposes as mentioned below.

Anonymised information will NOT include your name, address, National Insurance number,  telephone numbers or email address.

We will report on statistical information that may  include the following:

Start Date; Gender; Date of Birth; Post Code; London  borough of residence; Labour Market Status; Length of unemployment (if  applicable); Currently in Education or Training (if applicable); the  Equalities characteristics; Highest level of qualification held at start;  Basic Skills requirement (if applicable); Leaving Date; Support received  (including childcare); Qualifications achieved; Destination information.

Organisations with which the Greater London  Authority will share statistical (non-personal) information will include the  Greater London Authority’s European Programmes Management Unit, the  Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), London’s Co-financing Organisations,  London Borough Councils, to provide answers to questions from the London  Assembly, and for other purposes closely connected with the project.

Information used for GLA evaluation purposes

The Greater London Authority will pass your personal contact details and personal data on to an organisation which will be responsible for evaluating the GLA’s European Social Fund (ESF) programme and to DWP evaluators.  Data presented in the evaluation reports will be presented in an anonymised format and you will not be mentioned by name or any other identifiable information.  If contacted by the GLA or DWP evaluation organisation you may refuse to be included in the evaluation.

Information used for GLA monitoring and audit purposes

The information held on this form, and on other documentation generated during your time on this project, will be made available to organisations solely for the purposes of monitoring and auditing the activities carried out on the project. The organisations that may access information include:  the GLA, project sponsors, DWP and their appointed auditors, the European Commission and their appointed auditors. They may produce reports about the project, but they will not mention you by name or any other identifiable information.